National Multiple Sclerosis Society

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The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is a non-profit organization based in New York City with chapters located throughout the United States. The organization funds research, advocates for social and political change, provides education, and sponsors services that help people with multiple sclerosis and their families.

Wealth Advisors Who Care is proud to support the National Multiple Sclerosis Society in pursuit of their vision of a world free of MS.

Learn more about the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.



Ruling Our Experiences

To navigate their growing-up years, girls need support from the adults in their lives, skills to cope with pressure and communicate effectively, and the confidence to rule their experiences. But as girls get older, it can be more and more difficult to form strong connections. One day she’s bold and confident, the next she’s distant and withdrawn. Understandably, the communication gap can make knowing what to do for her a challenge. ROX can provide proven solutions to build connections with the girls in your life.

Wealth Advisors Who Care is proud to support ROX in conjunction with our friends and colleagues.

Learn more about Ruling Our Experiences.



Heroes on the Water

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Since being founded in 2007, Heroes on the Water has been organizing no-expense kayak fishing trips for active-duty military and veterans of the U.S. armed forces and their families. In 2018, we began serving first-responders and their families through the same proven ecotherapy. Heroes can reflect in solitude or connect in groups as they learn kayaking and kayak fishing basics.

Recurring activities give heroes and their families camaraderie and a lifelong social network with like-minded people. Plus, no experience or equipment is needed, and kayak fishing is adaptive to those with disabilities.


Heroes on the Water was a participant in a study conducted by Troy University. It was an 18-month study focused on alternative forms of therapy for individuals who were faced with traumatic experiences. The impact is significant.

Learn more about Heroes on the Water Tampa Chapter.



Mote Marine Labs

Mote Marine Labs are an independent, nonprofit marine research institution comprising world-class marine scientists committed to the belief that the conservation and sustainable use of our oceans begins with research and education.

From their humble beginnings in a tiny, one-room laboratory in a small Florida town, their efforts have grown to include more than 20 diverse marine research programs.

Originally focused on sharks, their research has expanded to include studies of human cancer using marine models, the effects of human-made and natural toxic substances on humans and on the environment, the health of wild fisheries, developing sustainable and successful fish restocking techniques and food production technologies and the development of ocean technology to help better understand the health of the environment.

Wealth Advisors Who Care is proud to be a financial partner of Mote Marine Labs.